Jem at the Colony Theater in Burbank on June 23rd in the cast of Manecdotes reading her story about her dad’s quest to buy a bar called “The Big O”

“Music has long helped fuel the social justice movement“
Contributing Writer, Press-Enterprise
Beyond Baroque presents an evening of prose with fiction writer Peter Cherches, joining us from Brooklyn, NY, and Southern California-based writers Dennis Callaci & Juanita Mantz.

Podcast appearance: How to Talk to [Mamí & Papí] about Anything: Writing a Memoir When Mamí Has a Different Version of the Story

“Say Yes To the Small Press” SMOL Fair Panel Discussion, March 19-26, 2022. Commercial publishers continue to be notoriously difficult to access, let alone publish with, and thus self-publishing options have experienced a period of immense growth, even gaining the respect of industry professionals. But there is a middle way: publishing with a small, independent press. What is a “small” press, and why should you publish with one? Featuring authors published by sister presses Pelekinesis and Bamboo Dart, listen in as we discuss all the reasons why the small press option might be right for you.

Podcast Appearance: Howard Zinn Book Fair ” Portrait of a Deputy Public Defender”

JEM reading at Celebrating Cultura: Dia de la Raza (@ 1:16)

JEM reading her story “Stalling” at Listen to Your Mother Burbank