NOW AVAILABLE: JEM’s Book: “Tales of an Inland Empire Girl” Jan 2022
Published by Los Nietos Press
Jenny, her barely-younger twin Jackie, and their baby sister Annie try to navigate their parents’ troubles. The story zooms in on Jenny as she descends from stellar student to angry punk rock dropout, hiding shame under the high school bleachers as her twin sister graduates from high school. It’s the story of Jenny hitting rock-bottom, and finally, slowly picking herself up and starting to put the pieces of her life back together.
NOW AVAILABLE: JEM’s AWARD-WINNING Chapbook Published by Bamboo Dart Press
The chapbook Portrait of a Deputy Public Defender (or how I became a punk rock lawyer) by Juanita E. Mantz, Esq. is a multi-genre chapbook containing memoir pieces, social justice essays and poetry. It describes the author’s love of punk rock and her quest to challenge the system of mass incarceration as a deputy public defender and the intersection between punk rock and public defense. JEM’s chapbook “Portrait of a Deputy Public Defender or how I became a punk rock lawyer” won gold at the International Latino Book Awards in the Mariposa category for best new book, English nonfiction.